• Hand-phone 24H: +213 (0)560 061 166 / +213 (0)553 388 244
  • Cité 112 logt EPLF plage Bt n°7-Local B –Jijel

Conception graphique

Our Port Captain services cover various areas, including:
1. Heavy Lift Cargo: we ensure the safe loading, stowage, and discharge of heavy lift cargoes, including oversized and high-value equipment, machinery, and structures.
2. Project Cargo: Our Port Captains work closely with project stakeholders to develop customized plans, manage logistics, optimize vessel and port operations, and ensure adherence to project schedules and specifications.
3. Breakbulk Cargo: We oversee the efficient loading, stowage, and discharge of diverse breakbulk cargoes, including steel products, machinery, vehicles, and other non-containerized goods.
4. Bulk Cargoes: Our Port Captain services extend to bulk cargoes, including commodities like coal, ores, fertilizers, and petroleum products.

Benefits of Our Services:
1. Expertise and Experience
2. Operational Efficiency
3. Safety and Compliance:
4. Tailored Solutions

At Coseanav, we are committed to providing exceptional Port Captain services for all commodities, including heavy lift, project cargo, breakbulk, grain, and bulk cargoes.